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Client List

This section is used to manage all clients in the system.

It includes three part: Action performed on Client, Query FormandClient List Form

Client List Query Form

Click on Manage → Carrier → Select Client List tab, this form will be displayed and allow the user to query data.

Screenshot: Client List Query Form

Client List Query Form

Field NameDescription
NameQuery by name of the client.

Query by type of the client:

  • All Clients
  • All Active Clients
  • All Inactive Clients

Query by payment terms of the client

  • Prepaid
  • Postpaid

On this page:

Client List Form

Filling in criteria then click on the Query button, the list of Clients will be displayed as below:

Screenshot: Client List Form

Client List Form

Column NameDescription
NameName of the client.
Mutual Balance

Mutual Balance of the client. Mutual Balance is used for Mutual Transaction.

Actual Balance

Actual Balance of the client. Actual Balance is used for Mutual Transaction.

Credit LimitCredit Limit of the client.
Egress CountTotal Egress assigned to the client. Click on this number, the user will be redirected to the Egress Trunk page.
Ingress CountTotal Ingress assigned to the client. Click on this number, the user will be redirected to the Ingress Trunk page.
ActionActionperformed on the client.

Is used to activate/deactivate the client.

Is used to send low blance alert to the client.

Is used to send the welcome letter to the client.

Is used to reset the balance of the client.

Is used to log in via client portal.

Is used to change the passwordofthe client.

Is used to save the client's information astemplate.

Is used to edit the carrier information.

Is used to delete the carrier.

Is used to download the list of carriers by two types of file: CSV and XLS.

Is used to refresh to get latest the list of carriers.

Is used to select the field which the search function will query on.

Is used to input the keyword to query.

Is used to set the total of records per a page.

Is used to select the column which will be shown/hidden.

Is used to go to next, previous page. It is also used to go to the specific page by clicking on the number ofpage.

Adding New Client

To adding the new client, click on the Create New button. The main window will be displayed as below:

Screenshot: Basic Info

Client - Basic Info

This tab is used to configure the basic information of the client.

Field NameDescription
NameName of the client.
StatusStatusof the client.

Payment mode of the client.

  • Prepaid: Requires carrier to purchase call credit before services can be used.
  • Postpaid: The carrier in this situation is billed after the fact according to their use of mobile services at the end of each month.
Min. ProfitabilityMinimum of profitability
CPS LimitThe limit ofcallper second.
Call LimitThe limit of call.
Test CreditThe credit will be purchased before services can be used. It is used to prepaid mode only.

Screenshot: Company Info

Company Info

This tab is used to configure the basic information of the client's company.

Field NameDescription
Company NameThe name of company.
Mail EmailThe email used to receive Daily Usage and Daily CDR
NOC EmailThe email used to receive Trunk Update.
Billing EmailThe email used to receive Bill and Invoice.
Rates EmailThe email used to receive Rates.
Rate Delivery EmailThe email used to send Rates.
Tax IDThe Tax ID of the company.
AddressThe Address of company.
Account DetailsThe Account Details of the company.

Screenshot: Automatic Report

Automatic Report

This tab is used to configure the automatic report for the client.

Field NameDescription
Send AtSet the time to sendreport.
Time ZoneSet the time zone will be applied on schedule.

Select the receiver: Partner Billing, My Billing or both.

  • Select the type of report to send by check on the checkbox. What report is checked will be sent to the recipient.

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