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QuerThis section is used to display all registrations in the system as well as allow admin to edit, approve, reject and delete Registration.

Registration List Query Form

This form allows the user to query data from Registration List.

By click on Management → Registration → This form will be displayed as below:

Screenshot: Registration List Query Form

Registratrion List Query Form

On this page:

Field NameDescription

Select the period time when the registration happened. It can be:

  • Custom
  • Today
  • Current Week
  • Current Month

Select the status of registration. It can be:

  • All: All of the status.
  • Registration: The registration hasn't been approved or rejected yet.
  • Approved: The registration has been approved.
  • Reject: The registration has been rejected.

Registration List

Filling in criteria then click on the Query button, the list of the registration will be displayed as below:

Screenshot: Registration List

Registration List

Column Name



Username of Registrant. It is used to login to the system.

Main Email Address

The Main Email Address of Registrant.

CompanyThe Company Name of Registrant.
ReferralSomeone in the system who introduced the system to Registrant.
Client NameName of Client in System who related to this registration.
Phone NumberPhone Number of Registrant.
Registration TimeThe Date/Time Registration.
Operation TimeThe date/time when the Registrant was approved/rejected.
StatusThe status of Registration.

Is used to edit the User's information.

Is used to delete the Registration.

Is used to download the list of Registration by two types of file: CSV and XLS.

Is used to refresh to get latest the list of Registration.

Is used to select the field which the search function will query on.

Is used to input the keyword to query.

Is used to set the total of records per a page.

Is used to select the column which will be shown/hidden.

Is used to go to next, previous page. It is also used to go to the specific page by clicking on the number of page.



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