This template is used to upload code into Rate Table. This section allows user to manage all Rate Upload Templates in the system.

Rate Upload Templates List

Click on Template → Rate Upload Template → the Main window of this section will be appeared by list of available Rate Upload Templates

Screenshot: Rate Upload Templates List

On this page:

Rate Upload Templates List

Column NameDescription
Template NameThe name of the template.
Created OnThe date time when the template was created.
Created ByThe name of the user who creating the template.
Updated OnThe last date time when the template was created.
ActionThe action performed on the template.

Is used to edit the template.

Is used to delete the templated.

Is used to select the name of Template to query. Click on the arrow, the list of all available Template will be displayed.

Is used to refresh to get latest the list of the Template.

Is used to query data. Clicking on this button, the result will be displayed.

Is used to set the total of records per a page.

Is used to select the column which will be shown/hidden.

Is used to go to next, previous page. It is also used to go to the specific page by clicking on the number of page.

Creating New Rate Upload Template

To create new, click on Create New button, the window will be appeared as below:

Screenshot: Creating New Rate Upload Template

Creating New Rate Upload Template

Field NameDescription
Template NameThe name of the template.
For rate record with the same code and effective date is found
Select the action will be performed for the record with same code and effective date is found:
Effective Date FormatSet the effective date format of rate upload.
Has Code DeckSet the option: Has code deck with rate or not.
File With HeaderSet the option: The upload file required the header or not.
Append PrefixSet the append prefix for rate upload.
File HeadersSet the headers of upload file.
Set Default Effective DateSet the value default of effective date.
Set Default Min TimeSet value default for Min Time. Min Time is minimum chargeable duration.If min time is 6sec and someone calls only for 3 sec. Though , the call will get charged for 6 sec.
Set Default IntervalSet value default for Interval. This is interval for billing.For example: you set it 6 sec, then billing will be based on every 6 sec. If you call for 11 sec, but as billing interval is 6 sec

so, it will be charged for 12sec.

Check Effective Date Criteria

  • Rate Increase(Days):
  • Minimum Effective Date Requirement for New Code(Days)
  • Reject Rate Upload: Select Yes, If the requirement not match, the rate upload will be rejected. Select No, the the requirement not match, the rate still be uploaded.

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