Rate Email Template is used to define email and send the Rate to the client.

This section is used to manage all Rate Email Templates.

Rate Email Templates List

Click on Template → Rate Email Template → the Main window of this section will appearbythe list of available Rate Email Templates.

Screenshot: Rate Email Templates List

On this page:

Rate Email Templates List

Column NameDescription
Template NameName of Rate Email Template.
Sender IDID of Sender Email.
Email CCEmail CC.
ActionAction performed on Rate Email Template.

Is used to edit Rate Email Template.

Is used to delete Rate Email Template.

Is used to show/hide query form.

Is used to download the list of Rate Email Templates by two types of file: CSV and XLS.

Is used to refresh to get latest the list of Rate Email Templates.

Is used to query data be template name.

Is used to set the total of records per a page.

Is used to select the column which will be shown/hidden.

Is used to go to next, previous page. It is also used to go to the specific page by clicking on the number ofpage.

Creating New Rate Email Template

To create new, click on Create New button, the window will be appeared as below:

Screenshot: Creating New Rate Email Template

Creating New Rate Email Template

Field NameDescription
Template NameName of Rate Email Template.
Download MethodThe way to download attachment file.

Select components for header of email.

  • You can use the Arrow icon to select/deselect components for header.
  • Click on Sort, Top, Up, Down, Botton button to arrange location of components in header
From EmailSender Email.
CCEmail CC.
SubjectSubject of Rate Email.
ContentContent of Rate Email.

After filling out all parameters, click on Submit button to create or click on Reset button to clear all fields.



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