CDR Generation Format

CDR stands for Call Detail Report and is sent to Client and Vendor.

This section is used to set the Auto CDR Generation Format.

Screenshot: Auto CDR Generation Format

On this page:

Auto CDR Generation Format

If the checkbox is checked, this field will be displayed on the Report corresponding.

The list of fields and descriptions as below:

Field NameDescription
Answer TimeThe time when the callee answers the call.
Call DurationDuration time of the call (counted by second).
Call duration in msDuraion time of the call ( counted by ms )
Class4 IPIP of Class4 switch.
Dynamic Route NameName of Dynamic Route.
Egress AliasAlias Name of Egress Trunk.
Egress Bill MinutesBill on Egress Trunk counted by Minutes.
Egress Bill ResultBill Result of Egress Trunk.
Egress Bill TimeBill call duration of Egress Trunk.
Egress Client CurrencyCurrency of Client on Egress.
Egress Client NameClient Name on Egress.
Egress Code ACDAverage Call Duration Code on Egress.
Egress Code ASRAnswer-Seizure Ratio Code on Egress.
Egress CostTotal call cost on Egress.
Egress DNIS TypeDNIS type on Egress.
Egress NameName of Egress Trunk.
Egress RateRate for Egress.
Egress Rate IDRate ID for Egress Trunk.
Egress Rate Table NameRate Table Name for Egress Trunk.
Egress Rate TypeRate Type for Egress Trunk.
Egress Register UserName off Register User on Egress.
Egress Trunk TraceTrace of Egress Trunk.
End TimeThe End Time of call.
Final RouteThe name of Final Route.
Ingress AliasThe Alias of Ingress Trunk.
Ingress Bill MinutesThe bill (counted by mins) on Ingress Trunk.
Ingress Client Bill ResultBill Result for the client on Ingress Trunk.
Ingress Client Bill TimeBill call duration for the client on Ingress Trunk.
Ingress Client CostTotal call cost of the client on Ingress Trunk.
Ingress Client CurrencyCurrency of client on Ingress.
Ingress Client NameThe name of the client on Ingress.
Ingress Client RateThe Rate Client on Ingress.
Ingress Client Rate Table NameThe Rate Table Name on Ingress.
Ingress DNIS TypeThe DNIS Type of Ingress.

Ingress ID

The ID of Ingress Trunk.
Ingress Rate IDThe Rate ID on Ingress Trunk.
Ingress Rate TypeThe Rate Type of Ingress Trunk.
Ingress Register UserThe name of register user on Ingress Trunk.
LRN NumberLocal Routing Number
LRN Number VendorLocal Routing Number for Vendor
Orig Call DurationCall duration time from Origination.

Orig Code

Origination Code.

Orig Code Name

Origination Code Name.

Orig Codecs

Origination Codecs.
Orig CountryOrigination Country.

Orig DST Number

Destination Number.

Orig Delay Second

Origination Delay Second.

Orig IP

Origination IP.

Orig Media IP Ani

Origination Media IP ANI number.

Orig Media Port Ani

Origination Media Port ANI number.

Orig SRC Number

Origination Source Number.

Orig/Term Release

Origination/Termination Release.
Origination Call IDOrigination Call ID.


Post dial delay

Q850 Cause

Q850 Cause.

Q850 Cause Code

Q850 Cause Code.

Release Cause

Release cause.

Rerate Time

Rerate time.

Response From Egress

Response from Egress Trunk.

Response To Ingress

Response to Ingress Trunk.
Ring Time(ms)The Ring Time (counted by ms)

Route ID

The Route ID.

Routing Plan Name

The name of Routing Plan.

Start Time

The start time of the call.

Static Route Name

The name of Static Route Name.

Term Code

The Termination Code.

Term Code Name

Termination Code Name.

Term Codecs

Termination Codecs.

Term Country

Termination Country.

Term DST Number

The destination number of call from Termination.

Term Delay Second

The Termination Delay Second.

Term IP

The Termination IP.

Term Media IP

The Termination Media IP.

Term Media Port DNIS

The Termination Media Port DNIS number.

Term SRC Number

The source number of call from termination.

Termination Call ID

The termination call ID.


The call time.

Translation ANI

Translation of ANI number.
Translation DNISTranslation of DNIS number.



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