This section is used to manage all Agents of the system. There are two tabs in this section: Agent List and Client Assignment.

Agents List

Agents List

Click on Agent → Agent Management → This tab will be appeared by the list of all available Agents in the system.

Screenshot: Agents List

On this page:

Agents List


Field NameDescription
Agent NameName of the agent.
Referral KeyClick on this column, it will be redirected to sign up page.
Update OnThe last date/time when the agent is updated.
Update ByThe last person who update the agent.
ActionThe action performed on the agent record.

In this part, we only focus on some columns above. The other columns will be described in the next part.


Is used to activate/deactivate the Agent.

Is used to edit the Agent.

Is used to manage all the Clients who assigned for this Agent. Click on this button, admin will be redirected to the agent assignment tab.

Is used to assign Product to Agent.

Is used to delete the Agent.

Is used to show/hide the query form.

Is used to download the list of Agents by two types of file: CSV and XLS.

Is used to refresh to get latest the list of Agents.

Is used to input the keyword to query.

Is used to set the total of records per a page.

Is used to select the column which will be shown/hidden.

Is used to go to next, previous page. It is also used to go to the specific page by clicking on the number of page.

Adding new Agent

To add new Agent, click the Create New button, the main window will be displayed as below:

Screenshot: Adding new Agent

Adding new Agent

Field NameDescription
Agent NameThe name of the agent.
StatusThe status of the agent. True for activate and False for deactivate.
E-mailThe email of agent.
Method Type

There are two types to count the commission for agent.

By Profit: Profit is the amount that your business earns after subtracting its expenses from its gross revenue.

By Revenue: The revenue is the money a company receives during a particular financial period.

CommissionCommission of agent. It counted depened on the Method Type.
Frequency TypeThe schedule to count and send commission for agent: Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
Login UsernameUsername is used to login.
User PasswordPassword is used to login.
Portal Edit PermissionEnable permission to edit record on agent portal.

Filling in all required field then click on the Submit button to save.

Client Assignment

Client Assignment List

This tab is used to assign client for agent. After logging in Agent Portal, the traffic of all the clients who assigned to agent will be displayed. Agent can manage these clients.

Screenshot: Client Assignment list

Client Assignment list

The value in Commission and Status columns are generated from Agent's information.

Adding Client Assignment

To add new Client Assignment, click on Create New button. There is a pop-up displayed as below: 

Screenshot: Adding Client Assignment

Adding Client Assignment

Field NameDescription
Agent NameThe name of the agent.
Client NameThe name of the client
Method Type

The type to count commission for Agent.

By Margin: The margin is a ratio a company uses to determine how much money remains after deducting the cost of services from the revenue it earns. The commission is count based on margin.

By Revenue: The revenue is the money a company receives during a particular financial period. The commission is count based on revenue.

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