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This section used to manage Credit of Client such as Credit Limit, CPS Limit, Call Limit...

Credit Management Query Form

Click on Management → Credit Management → This form will be displayed as below:

Screenshot: Credit Management Query Form

Credit Management Query Form

On this page:

Field NameDescription

Query by the type of the client. It can be:

  • All: Displays credit of all Client.
  • All Active Clients: Displays credit of all active clients.
  • All Inactive Clients: Displays credit of all inactive clients.

Credit Management Result Form

Filling the criteria then click on Query button, the result will be displayed as below:

Screenshot: Credit Management Result Form

Credit Management Result Form

Column Name



The name of Client.

Credit Limit

Thelitmitof Credit that Client can use.

CPS LimitThe limit of CPS.
Call LimitThe limit of Call.
TermsKind of Term: Prepaid or Postpaid.
Payment TermsKind of Payment Terms.
Last Paid OnThe last date/time that Client Paid on.
Last PaymentThe last amount that Client Payment.
Warning LimitThe Client's Warning limit
Update AtThe date/time when the update was made.
Update ByThe user who updated the record.

Is used to edit the carrier group.

Is used to show the list carriers belong to this group. Click on this icon, user will be redirected to the Carrier page.

Is used to delete the carrier group.

Is used to download the list of carrier groups by two types of file: CSV and XLS.

Is used to refresh to get latest the list of carrier group.

Is used to select the field which the search function will query on.

Is used to input the keyword to query.

Is used to set the total of records per a page.

Is used to select the column which will be shown/hidden.

Is used to go to next, previous page. It is also used to go to the specific page by clicking on the number of page.


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