This section is used to show all Profitability Analysis of calls. There are 2 ways to analyze: from Origination and from Termination.


This tab is used to display all Profitability Analysis from Origination. It also allows the user to query data by some parameters.

Query Form

Click on Statistics → Profitability Analysis → This tab will be appeared as below:

On this page:

Screenshot: Origination Query Form

Origination Query Form

Field NameDescription
PeriodThe period time to query. All calls within this period will appear.
GMTSelect the time zone will apply to the period time.
By HoursSelect the type of time to group data.
WebOn the right of time field to select the action after search: Display on Web, Export Excel CSV, Email when done or Export from Storage.
CarriersCaller in call.
Ingress Trunk is used.
CountryCountry where caller makes the call.
Code NameCode Name incall.
Code The Code Number in the call.
CarrierThe name of the callee
Egress TrunkIngress Trunk is used in the call.
Origination ANIPhone number of the Caller.
Origination DNISPhone number of the Callee.
Group BySelect parameters to group by in report.

Filling out all parameters, click on Query button then the result will be appeared on the form.

Result Form

After click on Query button, the result will be appeared on form as below:

Screenshot: Origination Result Form

Origination Result Form

Column NameDescription
Ingress TrunkThe ingress trunk which used to analyze.
Call Duration (min)Total Call Duration of each trunk.
Call Duration (%)It is the percentage of Call Duration of each trunk with Call Duration of all trunks.
Profit (USD)Profit (by USD) of each trunk.
Profit (%)It is the percentage of the profit of each trunk with profit of all trunks.
Calls (Total)Total of calls on trunk.
Calls (Not Zero)Total of Non-Zero calls on trunk.
Calls (Success)Total of success calls on trunk.
Ingress CostCost of Ingress.
Egress CostCost of Egress.
NPR CountTotal of Non Profitable Route.
NPRPercentage of Non-Profitable of Route.


The interface of Profitability Analysis on Termination as below:

Screenshot: Profitability Analysis on Termination

Profitability Analysis on Termination

It is similar to Origination but the analysis is performed on Termination ( Egress Trunk ) instead of Origination.



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