Rate Generation is a useful tool for creating a price list from data that is taken from multiple sources, such as another rate sheets or your provider's rate tables. 

This section is used to manage all Rate Generations in the system. 

Rate Generation Templates List

Click on Tools → Rate Generation → Main window of this section will be appeared by list of all available Rate Generation Templates

Screenshot: Rate Generations List

On this page:

Rate Generations List

Column NameDescription
Rate TemplateName of Rate Template
Create OnThe date/time when Rate Template was created.
Create ByThe person who creating Rate Template.
Last GeneratedThe last date/time when Rate was generated.
ActionAction performed on Rate Generation.

Is used to generate Rate. Click on this icon, the new window will be pop-up:

Is used to edit the Rate Generation Template.

Is used to view history of Rate Generation.

Is used to delete the Rate Generation Template.

Is used to download the list of Rate Generation Templates by two types of file: CSV and XLS.

Is used to refresh to get latest the list of Rate Generation Templates.

Select the field that the query will apply to.

Is used to input the keyword to query.

Is used to set the total of records per a page.

Is used to select the column which will be shown/hidden.

Is used to go to next, previous page. It is also used to go to the specific page by clicking on the number of page.

Rate Generation History

Click on  to view history of Rate Generation. The UI as below:

Screenshot: Rate Generation History

Rate Generation History


Column NameDescription
Rate Created OnThe date/time when the rate was created.
Rate Finished TimeThe date/time when the rate was create successfully.
Create ByThe account name who creating Rate.
Applied to Rate TableThe rate table which this rate applied to.
StatusStatus of creating job.
ProgessThe progess of creating job.
ActionAction performed on the rate history.



Is used to apply rate to rate table. By clicking on this icon, the new window will be displayed.

Select Rate Table, Date/Time when rate will be effective and end, then click Apply button to save. You can aslo apply and send rate by click on Apply Rate and Send button.

To apply for many Rate Table, click on Add button to add more Rate Table.

Is used to view Rate. Click on this icon, the new window will show:

Rate Generation Result

You can export list or delete record you want on this page.

Is used to see Rate Generation History Detail.


Creating New Rate Generation Template


Click on Create New button, the new window will be displayed as below:


Screenshot: Creating New Rate Generation Template

Creating New Rate Generation Template


Field NameDescription
Rate Template Name Name of Rate Template.
Include Blocked RouteInclude Blocked Route in Rate.
Include Local Rate Include Local Rate in Rate.
Rate TableSelect Rate Table to apply this rate to.
Calculate rate based on LCRCalculate rate based on Least-cost routing.
Default rate if no egress is available If there is egress trunk, rate will based to rate for egress trunk. If there is no egress trunk, rate will be count based on default rate.
Decimal Places The position of a digit to the right of a decimal point in rate value.
Code Deck The code deck which rate will apply to.
VendorsSelect the vendor who will be applied new rate to.
Effective Date The date/time when the rate start take effective.
Rate Range - MinMinimum of rate can be re-generated.
Rate Range - MaxMaximum of rate re-generated.
Define Margin By

Select type to define that Margin.

Percentage: Based on the percentage of specific amount.

Fix Value: Margin is the fix value.

Mark Up( % or USD )The Mark Up in rate.
CodeThe Code number.
Interval(s)This is interval for billing.
Min Time(s) The minimum chargeable duration.

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